tisdag 20 augusti 2019

Taxi Driver?

While in the US Eric impressed our hosts so much that they dubbed Eric an Übermensch.

tisdag 13 augusti 2019


Karin pratar om den äldre mannen som var med på vandringen i Sardinien: "Hur kan man åka på en sån resa när man inte har hälsan i behåll?"

Olivia: "Ska ni säga!"

fredag 9 augusti 2019

The people of Walmart

We had just been to a Walmart. Marc had to ask the staff where the Preparation H was. Then in the car someone had to go to the bathroom. Marc said, "We should have asked the lady at Walmart who helped us find the Preparation H where the bathroom was, we could have said It's an emergency!"

måndag 5 augusti 2019

What color was that car again?

Marc did it again. At the gas station, after filling up the car with gas and going inside to pay, he opened the back door of the car and started getting in. But he couldn't because a child car seat was in the way. Which was lucky, but the car he was getting into was red and belonged to a woman not the white car that Olivia was driving the family in.

Now that's fat

  Marc: Den amerikanare var så tjock han skulle inte ens vara tyngdlös i yttre rymden.